
  • Vaporub

    This Vaporub has many uses besides just for colds.  Also helps clear skin (acne, etc.), relieves earache, relieves headache, helps get rid of bruises, treats toenail/fingernail fungus, reduces stretch marks, prevents pet incidents, good for dry/chapped skin, and works as a great humidifier aromatherapy. The vapors in this topical ointment work quickly.
  • This salve was definitely developed for tattoos.  Chamomile is known to prevent itching; Grapeseed oil is lightweight and non-greasy; Shea butter is high in vitamin A; Coconut Oil boosts collagen levels, protects against bacteria/infection, keeps skin moisturized and supple; Frankincense oil has skin healing and strengthening properties. heals superficial skin wounds (like tattoos); and Lavender oil helps with physical pain/discomfort and has a calming effect to relieve anxiety and helps to relax.
  • This fast-absorbing body lotion is infused with multiple nourishing oils. Avoid applying to the bottom of feet. Keep out of children's reach. For external use only; do not ingest.
  • This fast-absorbing body lotion is infused with multiple oils, it will leave your skin soft, shiny, and smooth.  4 oz.  There have been MANY compliments to its moisturizing properties and alleviation of keratosis pilarsis.
  • Used for anti-inflammatory, arthritis, pain relief, relax muscles/joints


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